August 2015

Tommy Mitchell's Collection

The 3 summer outings/visits concluded with the visit to Tommy Mitchell’s home to view his collection. He tells me that he started collecting as a child which explains the amazing variety of items that fill his house, garden and sheds!

It is clear that everybody – and especially Tommy himself – enjoyed the visit enormously and he told me at the fete last week, whilst sitting in his Wolesley saloon, that he really wanted to share his collection and his wartime stories with as many people as possible – for as long as possible! He had already agreed to show someone else around following a conversation he had at the fete, so if you missed the opportunity we gave you, he has given me permission to invite anyone who would like to visit to call him on 01892 770227 – preferably between 12 o’clock and 1 o’clock – when he is sure to be there – to arrange a time and day for a private visit.